Health and Safety | Fire protection "Safe with us without accident"

HSE coordinator on the construction site

Ensuring the activities of the HSE coordinator in the preparation and implementation phase in accordance with Section 14 of Act No. 309/2006 Coll., on ensuring other occupational safety and health conditions.

Main activities in the preparation of the construction:
  • Elaboration of the OSH plan on the construction site
  • Identification of safety and health risks
  • Transmission of suggestions and technical measures
  • Provision of expert advice on ensuring OSH during construction
  • Determining OHS requirements for maintenance work
The main activities in the implementation of the construction:
  • Information on safety and health risks
  • Control of compliance with regulations with regard to OSH and the OSH Plan
  • Coordination of the cooperation of persons responsible for taking OSH measures
  • Cooperation in determining the time required to carry out the work safely 
  • Preparation of records of identified OSH deficiencies

Complex HSE services

Ensuring the activities of the HSE coordinator in the preparation and implementation phase in accordance with Section 14 of Act No. 309/2006 Coll., on ensuring other occupational safety and health conditions.

The main activities of the professionaly qualified person in risk prevention:
  • Occupational health and safety advice
  • Searching for and addressing workplace hazards
  • Preparation of documentation - internal regulations in relation to OSH
  • Conducting OSH training, including specialist training (high lift truck operators, drivers of reference vehicles)
  • Conducting OSH inspections at workplaces and OSH audits

Complex services in fire protection

Provision of activities of professionally competent persons in fire protection according to § 11 of Act No. 133/1985 Coll., on fire protection.

Main activities of the Fire Protection Officer:
  • Consultancy in the field of fire protection
  • Preparation of fire protection design
  • Conducting training and professional training in the field of fire protection
  • Conducting preventive fire inspections at workplaces

Revision of technical equipment

Ensuring the implementation of revisions of technical equipment and dedicated technical equipment.

Ensuring the implementation of revisions of technical equipment and dedicated technical equipment:
  • Electrical equipment
  • Gas equipment
  • Pressure equipment
  • Lifting equipment and motorised handling trolleys

Complex environmentals services

Provision of corporate ecologist services.

Main activities:
  • Designing accident prevention and minimisation measures and collaborating on their implementation.
  • Preparation of expert documents and opinions for negotiations with state administration authorities.
  • Cooperation on proposals for changes in technological processes, modernisation plans and investment projects in terms of waste and pollution production and management.
  • Cooperation in the development of emergency plans, risk elimination and accident response.
  • Collaborating on the implementation, maintenance and improvement of an environmental management system (EMS) or other management system.
  • Maintaining and updating relevant documentation.
  • Preparation of handling and operating rules for environmental facilities and keeping them up to date and in accordance with the decision of the locally competent environmental authority.
  • Preparation of documents for reporting required by legislation.

Services in the transport of dangerous goods by road, Safety advisor for the transport of dangerous goods

Main activities:
  • Supervise compliance with regulations for the transport of dangerous goods at the customer's premises
  • Advise the client in connection with the transport of dangerous goods
  • After the end of the year, prepares an annual report for the customer and the public authority on the company's activities in the field of transport of dangerous goods; these annual reports must be kept for 5 years and submitted to the relevant public authority on request
  • Follows procedures for compliance with the requirements governing the classification of dangerous goods for transport by the customer
  • Follows procedures for inspecting equipment used in the transport, loading or unloading of dangerous goods
  • Monitors the training of the Customer's employees involved in the transport of dangerous goods and the maintenance of records of such training


  • Monitors and controls the application of emergency procedures in the event of an emergency which may adversely affect the safety of the transport, loading or unloading of dangerous goods
  • Monitor the investigation and, if necessary, the preparation of reports on serious incidents or serious deficiencies noted during the transport, loading or unloading of dangerous goods
  • monitor compliance with the legislation and special requirements associated with the transport of dangerous goods and the choice and use of subcontractors or third parties
  • monitor the implementation of measures to raise awareness of the dangers involved in the transport, loading or unloading of dangerous goods
  • monitors the application of control procedures to ensure that the documents and safety equipment which must accompany the transport are available in the means of transport and that these documents and equipment comply with regulatory requirements
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